The O.Republic logo is the primary component of the visual identity and central to the O.Republic trademark.
The earth in the logo signifies being at one with nature. Just like the sun is the center of the solar system, the earth is center of O.Republic thus it mimics a sunrise with the clouds and rays. The banderole-like frame alludes to heraldic armorial achievement to give a sense of community in O.Republic. The tree between the O & R represents the organicity of O. Republic’s food products & instensifies the brand’s oneness and unity with nature.
The earth in the logo signifies being at one with nature. Just like the sun is the center of the solar system, the earth is center of O.Republic thus it mimics a sunrise with the clouds and rays. The banderole-like frame alludes to heraldic armorial achievement to give a sense of community in O.Republic. The tree between the O & R represents the organicity of O. Republic’s food products & instensifies the brand’s oneness and unity with nature.